Saulo Gil

Te dejo una referencia extraida de los foros de Ubuntu

OpenJDK is a future replacement for Java. Currently, Ubuntu and Mac OS X use this instead of the official Oracle Java. Some things do not work entirely yet and may cause problems, but it does get closer with every release. If this is the case for you, simply replace OpenJDK with Java.

On Ubuntu, you will likely want to use Oracle Java instead of OpenJDK. You can do this by enabling the Partner Repository in the Ubuntu Software Centre’s Software Sources menu. Do a search for Java and install sun-java6-jre and all should be well.

Once you download and save a .jnlp file, right-click on it and select Preferences and then the Open With tab. Select Java instead of OpenJDK. All should be well.

**Note that you do not need to totally remove OpenJDK. You can have both installed at once with no problems. Some people report having better performance on Minecraft using OpenJDK instead of Java, for example. So if you don’t mind taking up some extra space, there’s no problem if you do not remove it.